E-51, Ground Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
What is Occupational Therapy? Why it is required?

Occupational therapy is the method of improving fine motor skills and movements in the body. Occupational therapy is performed on the kids/adults who lack fine motor skills like writing or reading or any other daily life activities. The activities in this therapy help in the improvement of movements and the development of fine motor skills. These activities include getting dressed, brushing the teeth, getting a shower, organizing household items, etc. Generally, children lack these fine motor skills. Hence they are the common beneficiary of this therapy.

How occupational therapist helps?

That’s a very important question to be asked. It doesn’t matter whether they are performing therapy on the premature baby or on the young children or adults or senior citizens. All OT needs to do is to come up with a plan as per the age and requirement of the affected person. They ensure that the activities included in the therapy must be easier to perform.

Occupational therapists will assess the requirement of the affected person. This assessment helps them to plan the course of therapy. They will perform these activities in your comfort zone.  They will help to improve the movements, motor skills, hand-eye coordination, etc. Generally, the procedure occupational therapist performs are as follows:

  • Provide training to the affected person to use devices like raised toilet seats, wheelchairs, etc.
  • Teaching basics like button up a shirt, getting a shower on your own, working on a computer, etc.
  • Working on motor skills that help to grasp a pencil.
  • Helps in organizing medications and household items.

Who needs Occupational therapy?

We have already talked about the requirement of occupational treatment. Now let’s talk about when a doctor recommends this therapy. There are many causes that disturb the pattern the daily activities. Generally, doctors ask help from OTs when a person is suffering from Arthritis, chronic pain, brain injury, joint replacement, spinal cord injury, stroke, birth defects, ADHD, autism, burn injury, behavior issues, cerebral palsy, diabetes, cancer, etc.

Where you can get Occupational therapy?

Are you in the search of an occupational therapist near you? Finding difficult to track an experienced therapist in your locality? Then don’t worry about it!!! All you need to do is to contact nearby hospitals or your regular doctors or you can take help from the internet for searching OTs near to your location. If you are finding it difficult to locate a nearby therapy center, then you can contact your doctor for help in locating it. Generally, you can locate them in hospitals, schools, private practice offices, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, industrial workplaces, etc. However, OTs provide this therapy at your home or your workplace or school, or any other comfortable place.

SBS Rehabilitation Centre, Hauz Khas: Best Occupational therapists near you

SBS Rehabilitation Centre is a therapy center equipped with advanced technology and the most renowned therapists. We are located in Hauz Khas, South Delhi. Our center is serving many therapy-based treatments like speech therapy, VitalStim therapy, swallowing therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, cognitive therapy, pediatric rehabilitation, and many more. Our therapists have got years of experience. 

The treatment through Occupational therapy is the most often method we are performing at our center, this therapy can be performed on the kids/adults and senior citizens if they have lost their fine-motor skills due to some underlying medical conditions. Our highly experienced occupational therapists are helping affected people in improving their daily life activities. Our holistic approach and deep understanding help in empowering the health and well-being of our clients. 

The Quality care by SBS Rehabilitation

We believe in providing quality care while treatment through various approaches. We have an excellent track record of treating our clients with occupational therapy. SBS had helped many people to redevelop their fine motor skills. These better results allow the SBS rehabilitation center to provide the best occupational therapy in Hauz Khas.

So what are you waiting for? Our best occupational therapy will surely help your loved ones to get back their normal life back on track. If your child is not able to do daily chores that can be easily performed, then this is very sure that you need to consult an occupational therapist immediately. A timely approach will always provide the best results and helps the therapist to take a holistic approach to the treatment. So if you or your loved ones are in immediate requirement of an occupational therapist, then call SBS Rehabilitation Center at 9810098054 or 011-41612299.

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