E-51, Ground Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
ADL Training: Everything you need to know about it

What is ADL Training?

Many of us might have frequently heard the term ADL Training, but only a few of us know that ADL stands for Activities of Daily Living. ADLs comprise of basic meaningful daily tasks such as bathing, eating, dressing or anything including self-care or self-helping tasks.

ADL Training comes into light when individuals start to struggle in carrying out the basic necessary tasks of their life. The ADL training exercises help them to regain their control over those tasks and enjoy the fact of being no more dependent on anyone. Starting with the primary training of grooming, eating, bathing, and ADL training physical therapy also includes training for meal preparation, household chores, community mobility, shopping and much more.

ADL training comprises of not only necessary but meaningful tasks for a patient. Advance ADL training includes the training of driving, writing, finance management and leisure activities such as sports, dance and musical training. In this guide, we will help you to know more about this training i.e., who needs this and how it is provided?

Who Needs ADL Training?

According to some studies, over 50 percent of individuals over the age of 65 need long term care especially those who are living alone.

As the age grows, elderly people tend to lose their abilities like eating properly, bathing and dressing. ADL Training help them to regain those abilities and have a peaceful life.

However, this does not mean that only elderly people or senior citizens need ADL Training. There are few cases, where one can need ADL training at any age in life. Some of those cases are mentioned below:

  1. Stroke Patients: ADL training for stroke patients may become very necessary to regain their abilities. After suffering a stroke, some patients even lose the ability to speak, walk or eat. ADL Training has proven to be a blessing for those patients to live an independent all over again.
  2. Adults with Cognitive Impairment: Cognitive impairment is not particularly an illness but description of someone’s condition who face difficulties in paying attention or memorising things. Most of the time it happens with aging, but in some cases this has also been observed in young adults. ADL Training help these people to improve their memory and conduct daily routine activities in a proper and focused manner.
  3. Patients of Dementia: Dementia is a chronic mental disorder caused by brain injury or disease. It majorly affects the thinking abilities and does not let the brain function in a perfect manner which increases forgetfulness and limited social skills. In some cases, ADL Training has helped dementia patients to perform daily activities in a better way.
  4. Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: A sudden and traumatic blow to the spine may result in a chronic spinal cord injury. This includes fractures, dislocation, crushing and compressing of one or more vertebrae that may result in permanent loss of strength and sensation. It may also result in paralysis. Along with the medicines, ADL training also plays a major role in improving the condition of the patients suffering from Spinal injury.
  5. Patients suffering from Autism: Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a chronic brain developmental condition that affects the social skills and communication ability of a person. It usually appears in an individual by the age of three. ADL Training plays a very crucial role in training an autistic person to help them live a normal and independent life.
  6. Athletics Training: Athletes generally face a hard time whenever they get a chronic injury during their sports activities be it a match or practice sessions. There are high expectation from every athlete out there which makes the situation even more crucial for them. ADL Training helps athletes to overcome those injuries really fast and even help them in better body functioning.

This is how we can make sure that ADL training is not only for older adults or patients but also it may be required by individuals of any age at point of time in life.


How does ADL Training work?

First, the experts start with assessment of type of ADL training a person requires by deeply assessing their medical condition and current reports. It helps them to decide if the person requires further rehabilitation or it can be treated at home with a skilled nursing.

Depending on the medical condition of the individual, the professionals plan all the exercises that needed to be perform by the individual and the approximate time that is needed to get the treatment completed.

Here at SBS Rehabilitation Center, we have a team of experts who are professionally trained in giving the best to their patients to get rid of a dependent life. We help people live a normal and happy life without any physical sufferings. SBS Rehabilitation Center is one of the best ADL training centers in South Delhi and hoping to be the best ADL training center in Delhi in near future.

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